The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. - Malcolm S. Forbes
Info about [Graphic version here]
1st year
MTF009 Modern Physics
Grade: 5
The course gives basic engineering knowledge in nuclear physics,
atomic physics, quantum mechanics, X-ray technology, crystal
structures, electron theories of solid materials, thermal properties
of rigid bodies and temperature radiation. It also provides a
necessary basis for more advanced courses within these areas.
Computer Introduction
Grade: Passed
Introduction to Unix and e-mail.
MTF008 Mechanics
Grade: 5
Statics: Equilibrium, center of mass, frames, friction,virtual work,
stability. Dynamics of particles: Kinematics, work and energy, linear
and angular momentum, impact, vibrations. Dynamics of rigid bodies:
Kinematics, mass moments of inertia, fixed axis rotation, general
plane motion, work and energy, linear and angular momentum.
MTF006 Research Methods
Grade: Passed
Introductory classes; planning of experimental work, dimensional
analysis, curve fitting of experimental data, error estimation and
error analysis. Laboratory work; Two experiments will de performed,
lab1 and lab2. The student will work in a small group.
The group will work independently without any direct guidance. The
results from one experiment will be presented as a report and the
results fom the other experiment will be presented at a seminar. An
experiment in experimental error handling and analysis
will be performed in the same quarter as lab2. A lecture in
presentation techniques is given before the students seminar.
IEF001 Basic Course in Business Administration
Grade: 5
The course consists in three parts: basic business administration, managerial
economics and accounting. Basic business administration provides an
introduction to the field. Managerial economics deals with
profitability planning, pricing and capital budgeting. The course
part which concerns accounting focuses on the relations between
funds flow, profit, and changes in equity.
MAM046 Mathematics
Grade: 5
A complete Calculus-course
2nd year
MAM057 Vector Calculus and Series
Grade: 5
Vector analysis: Scalar fields, vector fields, line integrals, surface
integrals, gradient, divergence, curl, curvilinear coordinates,
Gauss's theorem, Stokes's theorem, the scalar potential. Series:
Infinite series, convergence, divergence, power series, Fourier
IEI001 Ethichs and Philosophy of Technology
Grade: Passed with honour
Problems concerning ethics of technology are widely discussed in
contemporary philosophy of technology. Broadly speaking one may
distinguish two perspectives in this discussion, namely an
"engineering philosophy of technology" (EPT) and a "humanities
philosophy of technology" (HPT). These perspectives are related to
different historical traditions in the philosophy of technology. Both
have their weak and strong points. While EPT is firmly rooted in the
real world of technology, HPT sometimes talks in a shallow way about
technology. However, once people who are trained in engineering start
reflecting on the nature and meaning of technology they are no longer
doing technology but are engaged in a kind of philosophy. Aiming to
link engineering and humanity disciplines in an interdisciplinary
approach of technology this course will discuss the broad subject
ethics and technology both from a HPT (part 1) and an EPT (part 2)
perspective. Part 1 will give a profile of modern culture and will
show the needs for and possibilities of an ethics for
technology. Attention will be focused on two main characteristics of
our time: the dominance of technology and the plurality of life styles
and moral frameworks. Part 2 will give insight in normative issues
coming from technology by analysing the real world of technology, the
structure of modern technology and its transforming effects on human
MTF055 Mechanics II
Grade: 5
Statics: Equilibrium in 3 dim., center of mass,
hydrostatics. Dynamics:(Particles and rigid bodies): Kinematics in 3
dim, general equations of motion, laws of conservation, relative
motion, coriolis effect, inertia tensor. Special applications:
Celestial mechanics (motion of planets and satellites), vibrations,
gyroscopic motion.
IEK020 Mathematical Statistics
Grade: 5
The course deals with basic concepts in probability and statistics
like EDA, the concept of probability, random variables, measure of
location and spread, distributions, confidence intervals, and
hypothesis testing. Furthermore, is regression analysis (both simple
regression and multiple regression) and experimental design
dealt with.
MTF067 Quantum Physics
Grade: 4
In this course, quantum physics is presented by using simple physical
situations. The general structure of the mathematical solutions and
methods are studied, as well as applications in nuclear physics,
atomic physics, molecular physics, and solid state
physics. Additionally, in the course is the influence of temperature
treated with an emphasis on the Boltzmann factor, which gives relative
probabilities for thermal excitations.
MAM058 Complex Functions and Theory of Transforms
Grade: 3 (I studied this course on my own)
Complex functions: Basic concepts, the equations of Cauchy-Riemann,
elementary complex functions. Complex integration, Cauchy's theorem,
the residue theorem, residue integrals. Laurent series, poles and
zeroes. Conformal mapping, bilinear transformations. Harmonic
functions. Applications. Theory of transforms: The concept of an
integral transform. The Fourier transform, the Laplace transform and
the Z-transform. Parseval's relation. Solving differential equations
and difference equations with the transform method. Applications.
IES018 Politics, Technology and the Natural Environment
Grade: 5
Case Study - A subject in the area is chosen at the start of the
course. The case study shall show connections between technic,
politics and enviorenment. Rest of Course - The remaining part of the
course is intended to support the case study. The course starts with a
presentation of different ways to observe the relationship between man
and nature. Our views on nature is considered to have consequenses on
the shaping of society, the utilization of technic, and even the
system of government. Special attention will be focusde upon democracy
as a method of decision. The students will be given an oppurtunity to
discuss so called enviorenmental rights and enviorenmental
responsabillities, by way of exampel how we as citizens can take
responsabillity for the enviorenment. The course will also show the
ethical conflicts that can surface when enviorenmental interests clash
with other interests.
MTF056 Electromagnetic Field Theory
Grade: 4
Vector analysis. Static electric fields, dielectrics. Steady
electric currents, conductors. Quasi-static magnetic fields, magnetic
materials. Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Maxwell's
equations. Plane waves.
MPM021 Materials Science and Engineering
Grade: 5
Fundamentals of the solid state; Atomic bonding and ideal crystal
structure. Lattice positions, directions and planes. X-ray
diffraction. Diffusion and imperfections in solids. Dislocations and
plastic deformation. Binary phase diagrams. Thermal processing of
metal alloys. Structural engineering materials. Mechanical properties
of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites; strengthening mechanisms
and failure. Electronic properties of metals, semiconductors and
insulators. Energy levels and bands. The phenomenon of
superconductivity. Doped semiconductors and electronic
devices. Degradation of materials used in engineering design;
Oxidation, corrosion and wear. Materials selection.
MAM062 Mathematical Physics
Grade: 3
Physical models: Derivation of the heat equation, Laplace's equation
and the wave equation. Boundary- and initial conditions, uniqueness-
and stability conditions, classification, superposition. d'Alemberts
formula for the wave equation. Fouriers method:
Separation of variables. Eigenfunction expansion methods, the use of
Fourier- and Laplacetransforms. Function spaces: Orthogonal
projections, convergence in norm, symmetric operators,
Sturm-Liouville-operators, generalized Fourier series, Bessel- and
Legendrefunctions, distributions.
MAM079 Partial Differential Equations and Finite Element Method
Grade: 4
Hilbert space, Sobolev space, quadratic forms and partial differential
equations, Finite Element Method for ordinary and partial differential
MAM059 Principles of Mathematical Analysis
Grade: 5
The rational and real numbers, the countable and uncountable sets are
introduced. Basic topological concepts such as open, closed, bounded and
compact sets are introduced. Numerical sequences, series and properties
of continuous and differentiable functions are thoroughly discussed. Riemann
integral is introduced and its properties are studied. Sequences and series
of functions are studied in connection with continuity, integration and
MTM060 Continuum Mechanics
Grade: 4
General Part (30%) Vector and Tensor Algebra. Analysis of Stress; Mohr's
Circles. Kinematics; Deformation, Material Derivative. Conservation Laws.
Constitutive Relationships. Fluid Mechanics (35%) Euler's Equation. Potential
Flow. Aerodynamic Theory. Compressible flow. Navier-Stokes' Equations.
Solid Mechanics (35%) Navier's Equations. Bending and Torsion. Elastic Stress
SME034 Circuit Theory
Grade: 4
Analysis of DC and AC circuits and transients in circuits. Electronic
circuits with ideal operational amplifiers. P-Spice.
MTF064 Solid State Physics
Grade: 4
Crystal structures and interatomic forces. Scattering theory and
descriptions of various experimental techniques employed in structure
analysis. Heat capacity on the basis of the models of Einstein and
Debye. The quantization of the energy of elastic waves in terms of
phonos. Lattice waves and the Brillouin zone. Thermal
conductivity. The success and failure of the free electron model in
accounting for observed metallic properties. The Hall effect and
cyclotron resonance. The electronic contribution to heat capacity and
thermal conductivity. Energy bands in solids. The nearly free electron
model and band gaps. Semiconductor theory and
devices. Polarizability. Magnetic susceptibility. The phenomenon of
superconductivity. Point defects, dislocations and grain
MAM015 Theory of Distributions
Grade: 3 (I studied this course on my own)
Basic theory for generalized functions The Heaviside function and
Dirac's delta functions. Multiplication and differentiation of
distributions. Convolution between, and limiting processes of,
distributions. Fourier series and Fourier transforms of distributions
Periodic distributions and Fourier series. Fourier transforms of
distributions. Calculation rules. Physical and Technical
interpretations. Applications Solutions of Differential
Equations. Green's method. Linear systems.
3rd year
Grade: B+
Arithmétique des calculateurs. Analyse d'erreurs dans les
opérations élémentaires. Chiffres significatifs
exacts. Équations non-linéaires, méthodes de
points fixes et de Newton, ordre de convergence. Systèmes
linéaires, factorisation LU, conditionnement et
amélioration itérative. Systèmes
nonlinéaires. Polynômes d'interpolation, et
splines. Différentiation et intégration
numérique. Résolution numérique
d'équations différentielles, méthodes de
Runge-Kutta et de prédiction-
Mécanique Supérieure
Grade: B
Rappels de la dynamique de Newton. Principe des travaux virtuels et
de d'Alembert. Calcul des variations, principe d'Hamilton,
coordonnées généralisées et
équations de Lagrange. Multiplicateurs de Lagrange. Mouvement
à force centrale, stabilité des orbites circulaires.
Mouvement oscillatoire, coordonnées normales.
Équations d'Hamilton et espace de
phase. Théorème de Liouville. Crochets de Poisson.
Exemples divers d'application.
Mécanique Quantique II
Grade: A
Formulation matricielle et applications. Atome d'hydrogène et
hydrogénoïdes. Perturbations indépendantes du
temps: effet Stark, effet Zeeman. Calculs des variations.
Perturbations dépendantes du temps: probabilités de
transition, interaction de la radiation avec les systèmes
atomiques, diffusion. Systèmes à plusieurs particules,
principe de Pauli. Atomes complexes.
Introduction à l'Optique Moderne
Grade: C
Optique géométrique: Principe de Fermat et ses
conséquences. Loi de Snell-Descartes et équation du
rayon dans un milieu inhomogène. Formation des images:
stigmatisme et aplanétisme. Conditions de Gauss: utilisation
des matrices. Étude des instruments d'optique. Optique
ondulatoire: Ondes monochromatiques et quasi monochromatiques.
Cohérences (temporelle et spatiale). Interférences de
deux ondes et d'ondes multiples. Diffraction de Fraunhoffer et de Fresnel.
Électromagnétisme II
Grade: B+
Résolution de problèmes de distribution du champ
électrique en présence de conditions aux
frontières. Propagation des ondes
électromagnétiques planes dans les milieux
homogènes. Transfert de puissance, polarisation et
atténuation des ondes. Effets d'interfaces: réflexion
et réfraction. Réflexion totale et transmission
totale. Propagation guidée, guides d'ondes. Lignes de
transmission. Charges sur les lignes de transmission. Ondes
Mécanique Quantique 3
Grade: A
Diffusion. Perturbations stationnaires. Atome d'hydrogène :
structure fine et hyperfine. Perturbations dépendant du
temps. Intégrales de chemin, mécanique quantique
relativiste, quantification d'un champ, etc.
Grade: C
Le champ électrique macroscopique. Polarisation, forces,
nergie, considerations thermodynamiques. Comportement macroscopique
en champ alternatif, pertes, relaxation, résonance, circuits
équivalents. Le champ electrique local, les quatre
mécanismes de polarisabilité. Équations de
Clausius-Mosotti et de Lorentz-Lorenz. Polarisabilité
électronique, dispersion anormale. Polarisabilité
d'orientation, théories de Debye-Langevin et d'Onsager.
Relaxation, les équations de Debye. Diagramme de Cole- Cole et
de Cole-Davidson. Les diélectriques solides anisotropes,
applications du calcul tensoriel. Piézoélectricitéet
ferroélectriciteacute. Méthodes exp
rimentales. Applications des diélectriques.
Électromagnétisme 3
Grade: A
Fonction diélectrique complexe. Dispersion et dissipation des
ondesélectromagnétiques. Guides
d'ondes. Rayonnement. Formulation covariante de
Méthodes Numériques en Physique
Grade: A+
Application de l'analyse numérique à des
problèmes en physique. Une connaissance de la
programmation est nécessaire.
Interactions Fondamentales et Particules
Grade: A+
Particules fondamentales : quarks et leptons. Interactions
fondamentales : électrofaibles, fortes.
Bosons de Jauge et bosons de Higgs. Unification des interactions
4th year
Applied Mathematics
Grade: 5
Introductory exampels and introduction to the following topics:
Dimensional analysis and scaling, pertubation theory, calculus of
variation, Hamiltonian theory, Sturm-Liouville theory, partial
differential equations, transforms, integral equations, dynamical
system, stability and chaos. Analytical and numerical solving methods.
Automatic Control
Grade: 5
Equvivalent to SMR037:
Examples of modern control systems. Terms and definitions.
Dynamic Models:
Differential equations of physical systems. State -space
representations. Linearization and scaling.
Dynamic Response:
The Laplace transform. Block diagram models. Steady-state
errors. Computer-aided control systems design. RegSim - an interactive
simulation program.
Feedback Control:
Properties of Feedback. Steady-state
Tracking. PID-controllers. Anti-windup
compensation. Stability. Stability criterions.
The Frequency-response Design Method:
The Bode plot technique. Stability and stability margins.
State-space Design:
Canonical forms. Control Law. Estimators. Integral control.
Digital Control:
Digitization. The transfer function of sampled-data systems. The
z-transform. Translating of analog design. Discrete design. Hardware
characteristics. Sampling-rate selection.
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Grade: 4
Project on Bose-Einstein Condensate.
The structure of atoms and molecules, interaction with electric and
magnetic fields, radiation and scattering processes. Spectroscopical
methods as applied in research and industrial and environmental
laboratories, utilizing X-rays, photo electrons, magnetic resonance
(ESR and NMR), microwaves and light (IR, visible, UV and Raman
Laboratory exercises to accompany the therotical course.
Particle and Nuclear Physics
Grade: 5
The basic properties of quarks, elementary particles and atomic
nuclei, and of forces and reactions between them, is the central theme
of the course. Experimental methods, detectors and large-scale
laboratories are described. Among the detailed themes are: Strong,
weak and electromagnetic interactions. Static properties of
particles. Collisions and decays. Quarks and the quantum chromodynamic
theory. Unification of forces in Nature. Large-scale research
programmes. Astroparticle physics. The physics front-line. Challenges
for the future.
The structure of nuclear matter. Potential models for nuclei. Nuclear
reactions and radiation. Fission and fusion. Exotic nuclei and quark
effects. Quark-gluon plasmas. Nucleosynthesis in stars, supernovas and
the early Universe.
The course will end with a visit to a Swedish or Central European
research centre for particle and nuclear physics (if interest and
financing permit).
Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Grade: 4
States of a system, the ergodic assumption, partition function,
entropy, micro-canonical, canonical and grand-canonical ensembles,
temperature, reversibility kinetic gas theory, Maxwell-Boltzmann
distribution, Gibbs distribution, Fermi and Bose statistics, Mean
field theory, critical exponents, scaling theory, Monte-Carlo
simulations, diffusion, Brownian motion.
Mathematical Project course
Grade: 5
Defects in semiconductors. Density Functional Theory, Hartree-Fock,
Group theory.
Astrophysics and Cosmology
Grade: 4
The structure and development of the whole universe, galaxies, stars and solar
systems are the central themes of the course. Experimental methods, detectors and
various space missions are described. Special weight is given to so-called
astroparticle physics, i.e. the coupling between the structure of universe and the
properties of elementary particles in particular, when discussing the early
Universe. In this respect, the course is also a natural continuation of the course
in particle and nuclear physics. Many new, and not so well understood, phenomena
will be discussed, such as galactic dark matter, quasars, gamma-ray bursts,
neutron stars, the missing solar neutrinos, the cosmic background radiation and
Among the homework assignments, one will be the writing of an essay and another a
small "research" project.
Theory of Relativity
Grade: 4
Einstein's postulates for special relativity. The concept of a four-dimensional
space-time. Definitions of measurements of time, distances, masses etc. Causality.
Cartesian tensors and tensor formulations of natural laws. Translations and
rotations in space-time, and their connections to the conservation laws of Nature.
Translation laws for velocities, accelerations, masses etc. The classical and
ultra-relativistic approximations. Specific effects, e.g. length contraction, time
dilation, relativistic Doppler shift. Conceptual difficulties and "paradoxes"
(e.g. the Twin Paradox). Philosophical questions.
The ideas behind Einstein's general theory of relativity. Curved space-time and
tensors in non-Euclidean space. The four-momentum tensor and Einstein's law of
gravitation. Gravitation and cosmology. The curved and expanding Universe.
Difficulties and efforts to generalise Einstein's theory.
Physical Optics
Grade: 3
The course comprises two parts. The first is based on the following chapters in
Gåsvik "Optical metrology": 1. Basics. 3. Interference. 4. Diffraction. 6.
Holography. 7. Moiré-techniques. 8. Speckle methods. 9. Photoelasticity and
polarized light. Demonstrations given are, Diffraction, Optical filtering,
Schlieren, Shadowgraph, TV-holography, Sheaography. Depending on the number of
participants, laboratory and/or project work within the areas mentioned above is
The second part is of a more fundamental nature and includes Fresnel-Kirchoff's
theory for the propagation of scalar waves. This theory forms the basis for the
treatment of Fresnel- and Fraunhofer diffraction, the propagation of laser beams,
Fourier optics and coherence. Polarisation and birefringence is treated with
matrix methods. Laboratory work on diffraction and Fourier optics is included.
Applied Quantum Physics
Grade: 4
General relations for the absorption of light. Electromagnetic fields in
dielectric materials. Atomic aspects of the laser. Electromagnetic properties of
metals. Function and manifacture of semiconductor components, diods, transistors,
laserdiods, and CCD elements.
Algebraic Methods in Physics
Grade: 4
Lie groups and algebras: groups, Lie groups, symmetry groups for
differential equations, Lie algebras.
Differential geometry: differential equationer, differentiable manyfolds,
vector fields.
Physical chemistry with Thermodynamics
Grade: 4
Kursen omfattar tillämpningar av kemisk termodynamik, elektrokemisk jämvikt, termodynamiska tillståndsfunktioner, aktivitet, kolligativa egenskaper, molekylers absorption av elektromagnetisk strålning samt relationer mellan mikroskopiska och makroskopiska tillstånd. Därvid behandlas molekylers energiegenvärden, urvalsregler, tillståndssummor, kemiska reaktioner i jämvikt samt ideala och icke -ideala lösningar. I avsnittet kemisk kinetik behandlas reaktioners ordning, aktiveringsenergi och reaktionsmekanism. Teorin tillämpas vid räkneövningar och laborationer.
Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.